Sunday, June 23, 2013

June KS Update

Hi, I'm Nick, the newest addition to the Hyacinth Games team.

I was looking at the Kickstarter page and the last update we that we posted was right after Adepticon in April, and that's just too long between updates.

That being said, I'd like to make sure you're all apprised of what's been going on at Hyacinth Games on the Wreck-Age projects that you've backed. Be assured we've been diligently working along this entire time.

First, I'd like to show you this image that you may have seen this image floating around. Kostas has been working on the finishing touches on the cover art for the rule book and hopefully it will be done soon. This isn't all that Kostas has been working on, but its too soon to reveal some of his other work just yet.

At Adepticon we dropped a batch of models with Sam to paint up for featuring in our demo games as well as the Hobby Section of the rule book and on our Drifter and Stitcher box art. They've been returned to us and look great. Here's a sampling of what he sent us:

Anton and I have been meeting to streamline some of the rules. We're putting the polish on the what we believe to be a very dynamic and detailed rule set that will give everyone a greater breadth of options than other skirmish rule sets.

Meanwhile, our play testers are helping us work out some refined mechanics to ensure the core elements of the game are easy to learn and understand.

We're hosting an event at Brainstorm Comics here in Chicago on June 27th at 7PM that will hopefully put some of the rule revisions through the paces. If you're local we encourage you to stop by and check it out. Brainstorm Comics 1579 N. Milwaukee, Suite 321, Chicago, IL 60622 We encourage you to come by and talk to us, check out the brand new Brainstorm location, and maybe pick up some comics.

Back to the rule book, Naomi is knee deep in editing the book and Anton has begun work on the layout. There is still some back and forth going on as we revise rules and those excerpts have to be edited again.

Matt, Anton, and Carl had developed an introductory adventure called the Omen, and we're going to be including it in the rulebook. I've spent the last week making some tweaks and making sure it works equally well for those who want to play through the events as an RPG adventure, or those who want to play through them strictly as skirmish scenarios.

One of the aspects of Wreck-Age we really chosen to emphasize is the fusion of RPG and skirmish war game play. We want a seamless transition from one to the other and back again to cater to a variety of gaming and hobby interests. We've elected to release the book initially in PDF and soft cover form to get it out there as soon as possible.

We're hoping to have the completed PDF online in mid August and the soft cover rule book out in September. At this stage the timing of the release of a physical copy of the rule book depends on our financial situation.

One of our biggest obstacles at the moment is that we're broke. We've been looking for investors but things are very much up in the air right now. We're undaunted, however, and are moving forward under the assumption that it will work itself out somehow.

Similarly, the Drifter and Stitcher box sets made their first appearance at Adepticon but temporary box art because we didn't have photo quality shots of either faction's models at the time. The goal is to have both boxes out in mid July, but like the rule book, our success really depends on the ability to cover the cost of printing the boxes.

We really want to have the box sets available in time for GenCon so we have our fingers crossed. Finally, the long lost Reclaimer models were finally returned to the sculptor in France this spring and are now finally in our hands. They are gorgeous models but they have some undercuts that will make them impossible to reproduce at this time. We're talking with a local sculptor about correcting the issues, but it might take come time. We're pushing the release of the Reclaimers back to October 15th to hopefully coincide with our first adventure supplement: The Spider.

With the aforementioned money issues that might be wishful thinking, but we haven't given up on the dream or the backers.

Finally, we'd like to encourage you all to peruse the Wreck-Age Forum, Not only is this a great place to find out the latest developments and works in progress, its also a place to build community, discuss the game, make suggestions, and share your inspirations. Hopefully we will see you there.

Thanks for reading and thank you for your support and patience!

-Nick, Anton, Matt,